
Our prayer is that your children have an incredible time discovering the truth of the Bible as they make life-changing decisions to impact their lives for eternity!

You are your children’s spiritual coaches. The Discovery Land team would like to come along side you and help you as you coach your children.  

Throughout the year, the children’s ministry department offers opportunities for families to be coached spiritually.  From dedicating your child to God to leading them to Christ to helping them memorize Scripture — we have the tools your need.  May God use YOU to help your children grow in Christ!

“These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” – Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Child Dedication

While we do not recognize child dedication as an ordinance of the church, we do encourage parents who have committed their lives to Jesus Christ to bring their young children to the Lord as an act of dedication. Dedication involves a public giving over of the child to the Lord for His care and protection. It is a recognition that this little one is on loan from the Father and is a promise from the parents to partner with God in providing this little one with all that he/she has need of to grow up in a Christian home and be brought to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ at an early age. This act of dedication is a commitment to do all they can to assist this little one in discovering God’s purpose for his/her life and to assist him/her in the fulfillment of that purpose to the glory of God.